Desk is now in living room which is good, as is away from fridge. It is now next to Monty, our parrot's cage which may or may not be good. Now he has an audience, as day has gone on, he has become more vociferous bellowing "kiss me, chubby chops," which he usually reserves for husband. I have been teaching him to wolf whistle and say "hi skinny," when he sees me but no sign of the brainwashing working yet.
Was interviewed by very patient journalist Helen, from local newspaper this morning for article about my book project to go on their arts page. She was very polite and showed no obvious signs of slipping into coma, even though I was rabbiting on for ages extolling virtues of my epic work.. Husband says I can talk under water, which is obviously not true...somewhat worried when they said they wanted to take some photos of me in in park across the road. I took off massive overcoat as I thought I would look smarter. Just as was about to to expire with hypothermia I asked photographer to
1 Make me look size 8
2 Make me look 35
3 Not to get close up of hair as roots need doing
4 Airbrush vigorously, especially around thighs
He gave me look that said "I'm a photographer, not a magician, Pet." and started clicking away as it began to drizzle, wind started to get up and hair stuck firmly to newly applied lipstick. Marvellous, Can't wait to see pictures.
But must press on as much to do on plot today and need to focus.
Unfortunately I may agree with hubby..... you may be able to talk under water..... do you remember that conversation we had on the bed of the Tyne last year?.....