Thursday, 24 February 2011

Where I think about procrastinating but decide to do it later

When Helen interviewed me for the newspaper article in Hexham Courant a couple of weeks ago, she asked me how disciplined I was about writing.
 "Do you do so many words every day, or write for a certain period of time," she asked with the  optimism of some one who obviously doesn't know me. Short answer is 'No.' Longer answer is I am very easily side tracked and as an example have decided to write a  list of favourite diversions from writing, which says it all really.....

1.Research for novel in Himalaya's in India. Start well with study of terrain, flora, fauna and live's of local people ... rapidly get side tracked into reviewing 5 star hotels in area choosing which suite I want, then buy souvenirs such as Pashmina's, rubies, snake in basket (with "teach yourself flute in a week" DVD) adopt a baby elephant in sanctuary then complete 20 year standing order with bank for its upkeep, hide evidence of all of the above from The Husband.
2. Monday buy loads of clothes and shoes on ebay
3. Thursday sell loads of clothes and shoes on ebay (that I bought on Monday, that don't fit).
3. Hourly, stuff handful's of crisps, crunchy nut clusters, or cake into mouths as reward for writing 3 lines and not deleting all
4. Bake so many cakes, muffins, pies and scones that Weight Watchers offer The Husband discounted lifetime membership
5. Make chutney, jam, marmalade and lemon curd, with gusto, stopping only when The Husband points out we have more jars than Tesco
5. Hoover, dust and iron everything including teatowels, then not only wash kitchen floor but scrub grout  in between tiles with toothbrush (this may also be called OCD)
6. Read Joules catalogue from cover to cover so many times I could do exam on contents
7. Tidy all kitchen cupboards and line with wall paper. Nest Tupperware boxes to make look neat. Then un-nest and stack, to see if it looks better. Then nest again as can't decide...
8. Look at  "Divine Homes in Italy" website and plan post 'best seller' residence
9. email, Facebook, twitter any body have vaguely met in past 25 years for a vital catch up chat.
10. Write lists of how to procrastinate, if can't be bothered leave until tomorrow or next day


  1. I am exhausted just reading this..... are you sure that all this activity is not actually just a Dream (nightmare) ?

  2. Think Diane is right on the mark you are having a day dream, am exhausted just reading it, hope you wake up soon,
